Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday shopping for a genealogist

This post is just for fun! Since holiday season is rapidly approaching, consider buying something genealogy related for the family historian in your life. Below are a few examples I've collected, but I'm sure there are lots of other great gift ideas out there!

Family tree charts
Most of the genealogists I know go through a lot of family tree charts, pedigree charts and family group sheets and prefer to gather most of those for free online or at their local libraries. However, there are specialty items, poster sized charts, and other goodies that may be perfect for a genealogist.

Scrap-booking materials

Archival quality preservation materials

Eccentric genealogist clothing

Family themed home and office gifts

Books! Because I am a librarian by trade, I always love receiving books as gifts. And looking through thrift stores for books. And looking through commercial bookstore for books. Consider buying a book about genealogy or a certain local history book for your friendly genealogist!